Á La Carte Studios
Created by founder Sami Wiley, a dedicated vintage enthusiast based in Chicago, with a passion for uncovering and breathing new life into unique pieces from around the globe. Over the past three years, she has meticulously collected items that speak to her and spark curiosity, each telling its own story and inviting a deeper exploration of its history.
Sami’s fervor for curating spaces extends beyond aesthetics; she believes that the right connections bring purpose to her work. Whether she's exploring hidden gems in local markets or traversing great heights to discover treasures worldwide, Sami infuses every project with creativity and warmth. Her keen eye for detail and genuine love for vintage decor transforms spaces into vibrant, meaningful environments that resonate with those who experience them.
Location: Third Floor Unit 311
Website: www.alacartestudioschicago.com
Email: alacartestudioschicago@gmail.com
Instagram: @alacartestudios